Thursday, April 29, 2010

Kiessling is back to the werewolf?

Leverkusen - Simon Rolfes makes it so its fun, like his teammate Stefan Kiessling is currently cultured milk beard growth.
"Ah, where indeed is growing almost nothing! Since we can wait until Christmas to look like Reinhold Messner. Although - that would be good for us! "
How right of Bayer's captain after all. For it remains true: "As long as I meet, stay tuned to the beard," Kiessling said yesterday. In four games the striker has struck once in each case - the beard bet to run again then. Shaving prohibited. But on Saturday the heavy stake in to the "wolves". Kiessling is there to "Who-wolf"?
What could still be on Saturday for an attractive end where Master Wolfsburg with his offensive aces Grafite, Dzeko, Martins and Misimovic, which is required after two defeat in a row. There the standings, from Leverkusen, the Storm duo Kiessling (four goals) and Eren Derdiyok (3) been so impressed. Derdiyok met during the week and for the Swiss national team 2-2 on the important balance in Latvia.
Kiessling was not invited to the DFB-choice, contrary to expectations - but on Saturday evening to the ZDF sports studio. "I do not know how I get there at night because of Wolfsburg. Did well as a helicopter - I heard, "says Kiessling. Best with another goal in his luggage - it could also sprout a beard more ...

Friday, April 23, 2010

Traction! Podolski breaks from training

Cologne - First he was conspicuous by his absence. While photographed leaving the other professionals for the official FC autographs, Lukas Podolski still lingered in the cabin.
But then, Prince had kölsche his appearance. The team gathered for common photo, Podolski had fun - and neighbor Daniel Brosinski had to suffer ". Only scattered the national team the FC Youngster grass and flowers onto freshly coiffed head, then he brought the hero and scorers from the Bayern game again and again with jokes to laugh. Gute Laune pur FC.
But the afternoon training all at once stopped breathing on Geißbockheim. The lapwings were shocked, the FC-concerned professionals. Luke had to suddenly cancel the training, without a smile twisted into the cabin. Morning joke, evening pain. Coach Soldo had asked the boys to intense sprints. It took Prince Poldi of a strain in the posterior left thigh. Soldo: "He was initially trained on, but we sent him into the cabin, so that nothing worse happened. Its use will and motivation is exemplary, but he is now doing better, a few days of rest. "The friendly match on Friday against a Bezirksliga selection in Leichlingen (18 clock, the full game shows from 20.05 clock) is not an issue for Poldi.
But when the national team can be ran again? FC-Dieter Trzolek physiotherapist will take care lived in a perfect manner to the injury: "He must come now erstmal shorter. But we'll get that down again. It is all so wild. "
Nevertheless, in the morning Podolski was still so well on it. That the day would end with such a bad news, no one can imagine. Starting Monday it will be the FC at their training camp in Velden. There Podolski will then enter to return to training. But only if he is completely healthy.
You want to reorder the current team photo as a poster? No problem, just click quickly on / fcposter>
Read also: Geremi & M'Bami to FC? Eddy to Cameroon-Stars> Ishiaku spührt the hard hand> Council of Coach: Podolski should use his shot more often> 18:0 victory - Poldi shoots himself> warm
Also of interest
The pictures of the FC Photo Shoot

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Christos muse is dead

    Photo: dpaNew York --
Her most spectacular project was certainly the wrapping of the Reichstag in Berlin, the couple Christo and Jeanne-Claude was considered the most flamboyant pair of the international art scene.
51 years were the two artists together, and now Jeanne-Claude died at the age of 74 years in New York.
Christo and his muse and wife were both born in 1935 at the same day that currently have two joint projects. Christ wants to accomplish now anyway.
"He wants to redeem the promise that they have been together many years ago: that the art of Christo and Jeanne-Claude to go on," said the photographer of the family, Wolfgang Volz. "Just like Jeanne-Claude himself would have wished."
Riverside Arkansas, a more than ten-kilometer journey is to be veiled. Three to seven meters above the water creates a wave of shiny fabrics, interrupted by bridges, rocks, trees and streams of light.
The second project is about more than 400,000 stacked oil barrels in the United Arab Emirates.

Sunday, April 11, 2010

"Team has quality for the rise"

Cologne - There are some statistics that seem paradoxical. About: Almost 42 000 spectators attended on average since the beginning of April, the home games of the 1st FC Cologne. These spectators were allowed in full for six months, two home wins of their clubs in the quaint RheinEnergieStadion celebrate and rarely saw their respectable football team.
Numbers, statistics, facts, which is a world champion can not accept and will. Wolfgang Overath hopes to four points from two games recently at a new self-FC-professionals and more confidence in their own strength. His appeal: "This team has so quality, it has recently proved. We have the best coaches and the best players we could get. But these players need to be aware of what it means to be allowed here in front of these fans and play this fantastic scenery. "
The FC-President reiterated what he (even at the beginning of the season so far unsuccessfully) demanded. "We need to be a power back at home. The players have to show for guys what they are. The respondent shall accrue again with fear in us, "said Overath ahead of the match on Sunday, the SC Paderborn.
He's severed tail light in the 2nd League. A game, then, is the clear favorite of the FC and is under pressure to succeed. The success of Offenbach 4:1-and 2:2 in Gladbach Derby confirm in Overath, but in the belief that might have come for the self-proclaimed ascension aspirants the turning point for the better: "If the team continues it grows together, then I'm not worried about our destination promotion. What is clear is that we need to start a series. And against Paderborn, because we need to make a beginning. But it will be difficult enough. "
The FC boss warns against underestimating the Ostwestfalen too. "We had big problems in the preseason against Paderborn," recalls the president to a painful 0-2 defeat away (September 29, 2006) and the lean 1-1 at home (25 February), "so we need to Paderborn with the same passion like playing against Gladbach. "The guests were much better than it expresses the standings.
And if that is so urgently needed home success, the FC could play to advance into the regions, which imagines Overath: "Gladbach be in Fuerth. On Sunday evening, the world can once again look very different. "

Monday, April 5, 2010

Prison-guard received kickbacks?

Aachen --
Ten days before the outbreak of the two felons from the prison of Aachen are opposed to the warder was initiated investigation into the acceptance of money.
The chief prosecutor said on Tuesday, Robert Deller, confirming a report in the Aachener Nachrichten. The money should have received an official from the wife of a prisoner. Deller same time, however, stressed that the case had nothing to do with the outbreak.
The Attorney General did not say whether the guards, who had received the money, the same man who was arrested after the outbreak, because the two criminals he Heckhoff Michael (50) and Peter Paul Michalski (46) is said to have helped her escape . This judicial officials still refused to give evidence.
The prosecution in the foreseeable future will make a decision whether charges brought against him or the trial would be discontinued, "said Deller.
Learn More
Law enforcement officer was apparently under surveillance
As tough as it gets now in jail
Heckhoff and Michalski was on 26 November, the prison of Aachen erupted. On her flight across North Rhine-Westphalia, they were successively brought more people into their power. Heckhoff was finally arrested in Mülheim, Michalski in Schermbeck on the Lower Rhine.