Friday, April 23, 2010

Traction! Podolski breaks from training

Cologne - First he was conspicuous by his absence. While photographed leaving the other professionals for the official FC autographs, Lukas Podolski still lingered in the cabin.
But then, Prince had kölsche his appearance. The team gathered for common photo, Podolski had fun - and neighbor Daniel Brosinski had to suffer ". Only scattered the national team the FC Youngster grass and flowers onto freshly coiffed head, then he brought the hero and scorers from the Bayern game again and again with jokes to laugh. Gute Laune pur FC.
But the afternoon training all at once stopped breathing on Geißbockheim. The lapwings were shocked, the FC-concerned professionals. Luke had to suddenly cancel the training, without a smile twisted into the cabin. Morning joke, evening pain. Coach Soldo had asked the boys to intense sprints. It took Prince Poldi of a strain in the posterior left thigh. Soldo: "He was initially trained on, but we sent him into the cabin, so that nothing worse happened. Its use will and motivation is exemplary, but he is now doing better, a few days of rest. "The friendly match on Friday against a Bezirksliga selection in Leichlingen (18 clock, the full game shows from 20.05 clock) is not an issue for Poldi.
But when the national team can be ran again? FC-Dieter Trzolek physiotherapist will take care lived in a perfect manner to the injury: "He must come now erstmal shorter. But we'll get that down again. It is all so wild. "
Nevertheless, in the morning Podolski was still so well on it. That the day would end with such a bad news, no one can imagine. Starting Monday it will be the FC at their training camp in Velden. There Podolski will then enter to return to training. But only if he is completely healthy.
You want to reorder the current team photo as a poster? No problem, just click quickly on / fcposter>
Read also: Geremi & M'Bami to FC? Eddy to Cameroon-Stars> Ishiaku spührt the hard hand> Council of Coach: Podolski should use his shot more often> 18:0 victory - Poldi shoots himself> warm
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The pictures of the FC Photo Shoot