Thursday, February 18, 2010

Stefan Raab: meeting with Hans-Martin

Cologne - He came, he made himself unpopular - and won. And now there was for Hans-Martin (24) from Oldenburg, a reunion with Stefan Raab.
Hans-Martin, who endeared himself to his victory in "Beat Your Host" on Saturday severely unpopular>, was really a guest at TV. The viewers were looking forward to a return game, and much anticipated: Vicious comments, perhaps an apology from Hans-Martin. But it turned out quite differently.
The performance of the pharmaceutical interns with the "nickname" hate-Martin became a yawning again. In striped sweater and with wire-rimmed glasses of freshly Half Mill lounging on the chair, spoke little with Raab and there tired, worn out and tame.
Raab then went on the offensive, came into the audience and Internet smear campaign against Hans-Martin to say: "I found the debate so frankly exaggerated. But it just is, after all - one is Lukas Podolski and the other ... . Stefan Effenberg! " Then Hans-Martin: "A buddy told me even if I had not really intended to show the middle finger - but that was me then too much."
A few minutes passed Raab then again by Hans-Martin - wants to do duty, you might say. It is then possible erstmal rest of Hans-Martin, we will probably hear nothing for a while now ...
Also of interest
Hans-Martin beats the Raab - Photos here!