Thursday, February 25, 2010
Tom Gerhardt free for sweet-Nadja Brasil
Cologne - Now they are free again. Tom Gerhardt (52) and his wife Catherine (29) - all in secret they were divorced.
We are not a couple for a few months more, "says Katharina Gerhardt, compared with the EXPRESS.
"I am now moved to Berlin and was right in the government district a new apartment. A new town is also a new life for me. "
TV star Tom and the lovely Catherine, rotates as DJane at the turntables - once they learned on a carnival party in the "golden boys know."
In July 2003 gave the kölsche "caretaker Krause and Bonnerin say yes. Exactly four years later, the love-Off. But, of divorce, there was no question.
Katharina Gerhardt: "We have parted for good - and this is still the case today. We understand each other perfectly. "
For about one and a half years, actor Tom's new love - with the attractive Brazilian Nadya da Silva (35). Catherine, however, is yet still single. "I'm open, but needed only a little bit far," she says.
Gerhardt has retained the name of it. "My maiden name Beissel sounds to me a little too hard. Gerhardt also has naturalized. So they know me as a DJane. "
Tom Gerhardt, continues to rely on "caretaker Krause. Instead of the originally planned end, Sat.1 now decided to send the cult series this year in a new round.